
Clean Your Screen to Reduce Eye Strain

On the surface when things derail it’s the little things that help, start with these small things

Sometimes in an effort to be perfect or just keeping it together the simple self-care routines we would normally do derail. Keeping your tools in optimal condition is and important positive feedback loop to support in the day to day.

Why Clean my Screen – So What?

We can look at this from two perspectives. 1) It improves efficiency while using the devices and 2) It’s a small self-care activity that adds up over time

Improved Efficiency

In the digital world we spend a lot of time looking at our iPhone’s or Mac’s, a clean screen allows us to see things more accurately with less eye strain

Look After Yourself Micro-Win

This creates a positive feedback loop to yourself indicating that despite external demands, the things I use in daily life and the condition matters to me

Microfiber Screen Cleaning Process

  1. Get a microfiber cloth
  2. Optional: A drop of dish soap and few drops of water
  3. 10 seconds of effort a day
  4. Add this to your daily micro-win list
  5. Celebrate your micro-win

Tips to Keep Devices Clean Effortlessly

Buy a dedicated microfiber cloth to keep on the desk or in the laptop bag when travelling. I feel as I’m writing this that it should be more complicated (my inner drama), but in practical terms it’s really that simple.

The best thing is you really don’t need a specialist microfiber cloth, any generic one will do as long as you hand wash it from dirt it collects every so often

Until next time, look after yourself!

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